Our Interest Groups...
Welcome to the Guildford Spike WI, we are caring, sharing cake-loving ladies who enjoy developing new friendships and knowledge.
Open to all ages, abilities and interests.
Guildford Spike WI is currently full and we have a long waiting list; we are very unlikely to have sufficient spaces to offer to all those interested before April 2025.
If you would still like your name to be added to the waiting list please email us : infoguildfordspike@surreyfedwi.org.uk
There are other WI groups in the Guildford area which may have vacancies - Merrow (afternoon meeting), Burpham (evening meeting), Onslow (evening meeting) and Surrey Vixens Virtual WI (evening meeting). Further details can be found on the NFWI website
*Please note the Interest Groups are only open to members*
Copyright Guildford Spike WI 2013